Our farms success works from a 100% commitment from the farmer and the member.

  • Every Wednesday morning, we text you our list, which you must except with a “YES.”

  • You must confirm by 8 a.m. Thursday morning by texting, calling or via voice memo.

  • A (“YES”) confirms that you a friend or family member will pick up all the items on the list.

  • The total list will be deducted from your credit every week whether you pick up or not.

  • Pick up is every Thursday 4:30-6 PM at the NE corner of Galveston and Federal St.(westside Bend) Do not park in driveway or go up to the house.

  • If there is vegetable that you do not like, you can exchange it (IF) we have extra with a item of equal or greater value.

  • We have a price list-go to our (what we grow page) weekly deductions range from $20-$30. Deductions average $20 in spring and fall, and $25-$30 during the peak harvest season.

  • Deliveries Spring/fall mid-day Thursday. main season Fridays 1-3 p.m. $10 per delivery.

  • If you do not pick up by closing, your vegetables will be placed in a cooler outside the farm fence, and a $5 handling fee will be deducted from your account. after 1 PM they will be forfeited.

  • We will contact you in mid- April with a one-week notice text before our first official pick up day.

  • Once you have invested your money, it has been invested into the farm so we can grow for you; there are no refunds.


Spring Greens Example


4 oz Microgreens -- $5

4 oz Arugula -- $2.85

6 oz Spinach -- $4.25

1 bunch Kale -- $2.85

1 bunch Chard -- $2.85

1 bunch Radish/Turnip -- $2.85

2 gorgeous heads of Salanova Lettuce! -- $5.50


Summer Example

1 bunch Kale -- $2.85

1 bunch Beats -- $3

1 bunch Carrots --$3

1 bunch Chard -- $2.85

1 bunch Radish/Turnip -- $2.85

8 oz Lettuce mix $5.35




Premium Full season:

28 week share available now, starting mid April-November 30th.

Spring Half season:

14 week share available now, starting mid April-August 1st.

Fall half season:

14 week share available now, starting mid August-November 30th. Deadline to July 30.

To purchase go to our products and services page which is located in the upper right corner of each page.

Also Excepted Square, PayPal, checks and cash

 No matter what hardship or crop failure we endure you will receive the total amount of your investment in hyper fresh vegetables.

We are Urban farmers, come and get it!

2021 Vegetable Lineup

Arugula, 6 oz $3.25 / 16 oz $10.25 (spring, winter)

Pac Choi (mild Asian green), Bunch $5.25 (spring and fall)

Braising Mix/mesculine bunch $2.85 / 8 oz $5.25 / 16 oz $10.25

Beats, $3 bunch (Bulls Blood, Golden Beats)

Gourmet Lettuce Mix, 8 oz $5.35 / 16 oz $10.25

Mustard Greens, $2.85 per bunch

Red Russian Kale, $2.85 per bunch

Lacinto Green Kale, $2.85 per bunch

Radish, $2.85 per bunch (French Breakfast; Easter Egg; Vit Han,( Asian long radish for stir fry)

Lettuce Heads, 16 oz $9.50 (Salanova varieties, Red oak, Deer Tongue, Romaine)

Spinach, 8 oz $5.35 / 16 oz $10.25 (spring, fall and winter)

Tat Soi, $2.85 per bunch/ 16 oz $10 (mild Asian green)

Hakuri Turnip (mild Asian turnip), $2.85 per bunch

Carrots, $3 per bunch

Patty Pan squash (succulent round yellow squash), $4 per lb.

Crookneck squash (long yellow), $4 per lb.

Zucchini (green long variety), $4 per lb.

Microgreens, 4 oz $5 (radish, pea and sunflower)

Cherry tomatoes $4.85 (yellow pear)