Full Rotation Farms…FRESH REAL FOOD.  Joining Ben’s farm has been one of the best things I could have done for my family this year.  I am so happy to be a part of this growing community. The produce is so fresh that it lasts well over a week, including the salad greens and spinach….The ONLY reason I know this is because we were out of town and couldn’t take it with us.  When we returned, my spinach looked as fresh and crisp as it did when we left, as well as the other remaining items from my weekly pick up….Amazing!!- not even Costco and their preservatives can do that! It seems that every time I buy organic greens from a store, they’re bad in no time! Ben’s greens are addictive, don’t try them unless you are willing to get hooked. This is real food, people…AND Locally grown, what is even more impressive is that you will see Ben at every pick up and actually shake the hands that tended to your food and picked it.  Ben is a pioneer in a modern world and I am happy to be a part of his program. Thank You Ben for all of the care that you take to feed my family, we are grateful that you were brave enough to begin such a venture!

Krista and Don Mason.

“Benjamin and I have been friends for a long time. He spoke to me about urban farming awhile ago, and he really decided to go for it. I’m very proud of him, because besides the physical burden, he also had to learn about major farmer juggling, like rotating crops and dealing with the weather. It’s like he got a master’s degree in organic farming in one season.

I’ve been a member of a CSA before, and there isn’t usually this much variety. You get to choose what you want each week, so you’re not stuck with food you don’t want. It’s hard to grow things here, which makes this even more impressive. It’s pretty amazing to become so adept at growing so much food for so many people in this climate.

I wanted to support a friend who is very forward-thinking. I’m honored to be a part of that.

Growing food instead of grass is a very green thing to do. Curtis went out on a limb and literally removed someone’s yard to do this. It takes a forward-thinking person to do this.

Joining Full Rotation Farms is less expensive than going to the store and buying organic produce because there are no middlemen involved between the farmer and the store, and the vegetables are fresher. His vegetables are much more bio-available for our bodies because they are grown right here and are acclimated to our climate like our bodies. For those of us who understand that food is medicine, you understand that there is good medicine and bad medicine. This food is more suitable for us than organic food grown far away.

My 8-year-old son loves rainbow chard. Getting your kid to eat greens is really great. I didn’t even know he liked chard until we became members. Benjamin picks the food a couple of hours before he distributes it, so it’s fresh, alive and delicious. It tastes like nature intended it to taste. It just couldn’t be better.”

Jason Friedman, owner, Center for Life Chiropractic and Wellness in Bend and a Full Rotation Farms member

Intern Program
During the summer of 2017 I participated in a ten-week internship hosted by Benjamin Curtis at Full Rotation Farms in Bend, OR. What I learned was a wealth of information about sustainable food production and supporting a fully operational community supported agriculture (CSA) program. The internship combined farm work with educational training, twice a week from June till August. What I loved about working with Ben at Full Rotation Farms, and what I hope to share here, is the sustainability of his business, commitment to organic practices, and premium quality of the product. Benjamin, his customers, and myself thrive off the produce at Full Rotation Farms.

Social sustainability in farming can be achieved when farmers are paid fair wages and when farm workers are not unfairly exposed to dangerous working conditions that may include cancerous pesticides and herbicides. Typically conventional farmers earn pennies on every dollar spent on produce in the supermarkets. Your money at Full Rotation goes directly to the farmer and the continuation of the farm. This is far more transparent than spending money at conglomerate grocery stores and it also keeps the money in our community, which is beneficial for the local economy. Farmers are also self-employed which requires them to pay for their own health and life insurance as well as absorb any economic loss to the business. At Full Rotation we believe that farmers should be able to make an income above the local poverty line and we respect our health and the health of our ecosystem by practicing organic methods. Full Rotation provides a healthy product, at a price that pays farmers fairly, and also provides work-trade opportunities for those without the means to purchase a share.

Why is produce so expensive then? Inputs of fossil fuels associated with conventional agriculture in planting, harvest, transportation, and storage play a large role in the cost. Rebuilding our food system towards small-scale local agriculture allows us to reduce our carbon footprint through the foods we buy and eat. CSAs provide an avenue to cut out the middleman and ensure that every dollar spent goes directly into the hands of the farmer. This results in less money being funneled into the hands of fossil fuel companies and out of our communities. At Full Rotation we charge what we call “the cost to produce it”. When calculating that cost we consider inputs such as tool cost, seeds, growing supplies, compost, labor, housing, business expenses, life insurance, vacation time, sick leave, seasonal variation, and much more! Benjamin created a job for himself and has been able to host interns such as myself and train other young people. As the business grows there may be opportunities to hire on more people or for interns to go and begin farms of their own. This is all great for our community’s economic sustainability.

Lastly, I see environmental sustainability being achieved at Full Rotation every day. Stepping through the gates you will see a thriving bounty of row crops bordered by trees, shrubs, and native plants. You will hear the whistling of birds and see them working hard in the rows keeping aphids and other harmful bugs out of the garden. Benjamin’s farms are synergistic and unlike any farm I have ever seen. You will not find giant barrels of pesticides and fertilizers, tractors, or any other harmful chemicals or substances, period. Benjamin has a strong understanding of natural interactions between beneficial bugs, microorganisms, fungi, plants, and animals. Using natural processes and organic methods Full Rotation achieves an ecologically balanced and high quality product.

Produce at Full Rotation at a minimum matches, but more commonly exceeds, the quality of produce found in stores. Where FRF exceeds store bought produce is in freshness and sustainability. At FRF, we harvest the day of market pick-up. This ensures that produce is at its freshest and that it will taste great all week long. During my internship I learned a number of harvest methods that reduce the handling, damage, and transportation of product. This all results in a higher quality product with virtually zero food miles, minimum CO2 emissions, and freshness that can only be matched in your own backyard. For me, quality does not come in the form of a uniform head of iceberg lettuce that tastes like nothing. Rather as someone once said about bugs eating the leaves plants, “if the bugs like it, then it must taste good”. Benjamin strives for greatness in his business and the quality of his product is proof of his dedication.

I am a strong supporter of local food systems because they encompass the three pillars of sustainability: social, economic, and environmental. Getting an internship under the training of Ben was an opportunity for me to learn high intensity rotation crop farming for food production. Other people around the world are catching onto the small-scale urban farm trend, but Ben was the first here in Bend to seize the opportunity. Using the yards and vacant lots of Bend residents, Benjamin has shown this town the potential of small spaces to produce an amazing amount of food. Benjamin has produced an abundance of vegetables over the last three years to feed over 30 individuals and families as part of his CSA. I will continue to work with Full Rotation for as long as I reside in the Bend area. My body craves the nutrient dense and chemical free produce being grown at the farm. I highly recommend those that believe in food sustainability to purchase your share in the farm today!

Wesley Noone

Do you like fresh vegetables? If you get them from the grocery store or even the farmers markets I have news for you. Benjamin Curtis is providing the freshest veggies you will find in Central Oregon bar none. Every Thursday we pick up veggies from Benjamin that he picked literally hours before. I never knew what a difference that makes. If you are a foodie or just someone who enjoys eating healthy and well Benjamin’s sustainably farmed organic urban produce will blow your mind. Check him out.


If you are looking for the freshest-possible vegetables, look no further. The produce provided by Full Rotation Farms is hand-picked within hours of distribution. The leafy greens are crispy and flavorful, and the vine and root vegetables are firm and delicious. My teenagers, who are not big fans of veggies, love the produce we get from Full Rotation Farms. Because the food is grown right here in Bend, the vegetables do not sit in a truck for several hours while being delivered here, so they are even fresher than what you find at the local farmer’s markets. I recommend this CSA program highly; you won’t be disappointed.

Ronni Wilde


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I will teach you!